Thursday, August 11, 2011

Daddy's Girl

Today Anna told me she was sad because she wanted to see Daddy. Marty has been in San Diego this week so Anna hasn't seen him since Sunday. We were out shopping getting ready for our Martha's Vineyard vacation so I asked what would make you happy Anna? First she said Daddy hugs. I suggested I give her a hug and she replied no Mommy hugs. So I asked again. Then she said go to the beach and play on the slide while pointing in the correct direction to York. And Anna made a great decision because it is a fabulous beach day. We jumped in the waves for an hour and just as we were leaving we found a starfish. We watched part of Finding Nemo this morning and she was so excited to find Nemo's friend. We spent some time on the slide until Anna announced she was sad again. We left and she was chatting away. Out of nowhere she asked if Anna and Daddy could go get some pizza. I'm thinking Daddy needs to have a date night with his little girl this weekend!

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