Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jenny and Bryan's Wedding

We spent a wonderful weekend in Connecticut celebrating the wedding of Jenny and Bryan. Friday Anna and I enjoyed a morning of swimming at the Marriott pool with Natasha and Harry while the rest of the boys golfed. Saturday began with the rehearsal at the church. To my surprise, Anna walked down the aisle with her cousins Caroline and Ryan. The day continued with a lobster bake on Fairfield Beach followed by drinks with family and friends at the hotel. Sunday was the big day. Jenny looked beautiful on her wedding day. With a little hesitation Anna made it down the aisle sprinting with her arms open wide toward Marty. The reception was a great time. We enjoyed wonderful food and catching up with everyone. Jenny and Bryan even led their guest in singing Happy Birthday to Grandma Bernasconi. Anna left early but her cousins enjoyed many hours of dancing! Thank you Jenny and Bryan for a wonderful weekend and many happy memories!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great pictures -- amazing all you took while chasing that beautiful, energetic 2 year old !!
