Sunday, September 19, 2010


Saturday we celebrated my grandmother's 80th birthday with a surprise party. All three of her children were joined by her ten grandchildren, one great-grandchild and many other family members as we greeted her with a loud "Happy Birthday" at Mike and Jill's home. The weather was wonderful, the food was great but most of all it was nice to see everyone. Lucky for us we won't have to wait long to get together again as we all look forward to Joey and Anna's wedding on New Year's Eve!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I am not sure what I did but I posted the last four entries out of order. The latest is apple picking that was from today Sept. 11th.

CT in August

Anna and I took a last minute trip to CT while Marty was in Chicago celebrating Rob's bachelor party weekend. We got a preview to the 2010 Bunnell Band's fall show starring Aunt Sydney and Uncle Harrison. On Friday we had dinner with the Battagliotti clan and even got to see Uncle Jon from CA. Thanks Uncle Joey and Auntie Anna for having all of us!! Saturday was a beautiful day so we hit the beach and even got a visit from Grammy. To breakup the ride home, Anna and I stopped at the Rain Forest Cafe. Anna enjoyed looking at the animals and didn't even mind the fake thunderstorm in the middle of lunch!

Grammy and Grampy Visit

Grammy and Grampy visited the last weekend in August for the Boston-Portsmouth Air Show. Anna and I had to stay home since she was under the weather but Marty, Grammy and Grampy enjoyed seeing the Blue Angels. Sunday after a good nap Marty, Anna and I watched some of the show from the mall parking lot. Although not the real thing Anna like finding the planes in the sky.


Over Labor Day weekend we took Anna bowling for the first time. By bowling I mean candle pin with a ramp and bumpers. Jack, Luke and Ben joined us on the outing. Anna didn't get it at first but once she did she never wanted to stop. Dover bowl even had shoes in Anna size. She loved them so much she wanted to take them home with us. Anna might only be two but she LOVES shoes.

Apple Picking

Fall has begun in Maine so Anna and went apple picking this morning. There is a small orchard around the corner from us. They had slim pickings but we got enough to make our first apple pie of the season.