Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dreaming of a White Christmas

Here in Maine we are experiencing our third winter storm of the season. With 10-18" expected we thought Anna should see what snow really is. We got all of our gear on for a five minute trip outside. When we laid Anna in the snow she knew right how to make her first snow angel!

Friday, December 19, 2008

December Update

Anna in our bed bundled up.

The last week has been a busy one! We awoke last Friday to an ice storm and no power. With bleak predictions of getting power back, Anna and I headed to Connecticut for a surprise visit with the grandparents. We were 20 minutes away from Stratford when Marty called to say power was back. We were very lucky! Friends lost power for five days! You have to love underground utilities.

Anna is now six months old. Time is flying by! She is sitting and reaching for everything. This week Anna began eating sweet potatoes and loves them! She also is a big fan of Cheerios!

Monday, December 1, 2008


We spent Anna's first Thanksgiving in CT. We got to visit lots of family and Anna loved being the center of attention. Wanting to be heard over the crowds, Anna has learned to yell when she wants something. Although funny to everyone else, Marty and I don't agree.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ho Ho Ho

Wednesday we took Anna to see the highly recommended Santa at the Milford Mall. Sleeping when we arrived we thought she may cry. Anna proved us very wrong and was full of smiles.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This weekend we travelled to Keene, N.H. to visit Kurt, Alli and Brooke. We joined Tom, Laura and Heidi for an afternoon of apple picking. After Kurt took us to a great hot chocolate cafe. After a fun night of Trivial Pursuit, we headed to Boston on Sunday. Krista and Max made a wonderful brunch! Anna got to meet Chris, Betsy, Lauren, Rob and Caitlin. Krista and I took a nice walk around Charlestown with the babies. Anna enjoyed it so much she slept the whole time!

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Cutest Maine Lobster

Here in Berwick we celebrate Halloween on Oct. 30. Anna's friends Ella, Cyrus, Jack and Luke joined us for trick or treating. Anna only made it to a few houses because it was so cold out! She was happy to see all her neighborhood friends as they stopped in for treats. Anna thought she was the tastiest lobster since she tried to eat her costume all night long.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


On Friday we headed to see the grandparents in CT. Marty and I joined Matt and Megan for a night out at Jaime's wedding. Watching Caroline and Ryan play with their powerwheels, Anna wondered when she was going to get one of her own.

Baby Ryan

Our first stop of a busy weekend was in Swiftwater, Pa. to meet baby Ryan. Thank you Andy and Karen for inviting us to meet your beautiful baby boy. Ryan is seven weeks old and is a peanut. Anna looks like a giant next to him!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

USS New Hampshire

We greeted the USS New Hampshire, the newest submarine in the US fleet, this morning. Although cold and windy, we watched as the sub moved slowly up the Piscataqua River into port at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (where Marty works). A water boat sprayed flumes of water as the sub arrived. The boat is to be commissioned Saturday.


Ready, Set, Go

Marty and Pat

On Saturday we celebrated our friend Pat's 30th birthday with a surprise karting party. Each family was divided into teams as they cheered on their guy at the race track. Racing up to 40 miles hour, Marty and friends raced 40 laps to see who was number one. Marty spun out twice but still beat Jeff and Anthony!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Columbus Day

On Monday we went apple picking with the Vittoriosos. The foliage was at its peak and there were plenty of apples left to be picked. Anna took her first hayride and even tried out the slide on the swing set. The apple donuts were still warm and very tasty. Marty finished our front walkway and it looks great!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Shhh! Don't Tell Marty

Anna was supposed to wear this outfit to see Grampy today but has a cold so we are staying home this weekend. Many of our family and friends will thank our nice neighbors the Pikes for giving Anna something with the Red Sox logo on it. Since the ALCS starts tonight I thought it fitting she wear it today. Marty will
be surprised when he gets home from work!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Anna Four Months

Fall has arrived and we already had our first frost here in Maine. Anna is getting so big. She rolls over from her tummy to her back, smiles are everything and even giggles now. We are so lucky to have such a happy baby.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Busy Week

College Football Saturday
Go Fighting Irish!

Marshwood High School
Football Rules

Rochester Fair

Laura Wins!

We had a busy but fun week! First we went to the Rochester Fair. We saw the farm animals, ate fried dough and even watched a pig race! Anna really enjoyed looking at all the rides at night because they were so bright! On Friday Anna went to her first football game. Although cold and loud, Anna slept as we watch Uncle Jeff coach.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


More photos from our 10 day trip to Connecticut. We had a fantastic time visiting with friends and family. Thank you to all who made Anna's Baptism a wonderful day!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Last weekend we headed to Connecticut for Anna's Baptism. After a stormy and hot start to the weekend the skies cleared for a beautiful day. At St. Catherine of Siena Church Msgr. Shea baptized Anna in a wonderful ceremony. Thank you Nancy and Ed for opening your home for all our friends and family. Aunt Jenny and Uncle Joey will make great godparents!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Three Months Already

Anna turned three months old on September 3. She is smiling all the time. Anna is already a chatterbox. We are in trouble when she really starts talking!

Labor Day

My Mom, Rowdy and the kids visited for the holiday weekend. On Saturday we hung out at home. Then Anna, Marty and I visited Paul and Mary for picnic. Sunday we headed to the beach. Laura and Jack joined us on a beautiful day. The next day we went apple picking with Pat, Jenn, Anthony, Laura and all the kids. It was opening weekend and the apples were delicious! Beach photos to come soon...


Laura, Monique and I took the kids to Odiorne State Park. We took a walk along the trails, hit the park and enjoyed the tide pools. Jack and Ella had a lot of fun skipping rocks. Anna, Luke and Cyrus looked on from their carriers.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Berkshires

Anna is becoming a great car traveler. This weekend we visited The Berkshires. Our first stop on Friday was in Pittsfield to meet Great-Grandma Sewell. Anna really enjoyed playing peek-a-boo. That evening we stopped at Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Reads. We wanted to take a walk around the farm but the rain prevented us. On Saturday morning Anna met Great-Grandma Bernasconi and Aunt Jane. We had a lovely breakfast and a very nice visit. We then headed to Otis to visit friends at Camp Overflow. Marty got to water ski while Anna spent time with her friend Brooke. Thank you Jeff, Carol and Jack for inviting us.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

White Lake

Finally we had a sunny day and Laura invited Anna and I to White Lake. It was Anna's first trip to the White Mountains, just an hour drive from home. The lake was very pretty with the mountains in the background. I think the largest one is Mount Washington. We had a lot of fun watching Jack and Luke splash in lake. Anna loves to watch Jack and Jack loves to be watched by Anna. Could it be a match made in heaven?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Celebrate Maine

Anna hamming it up for Daddy

Ella on Cupcake

Cyrus driving his "jeep"

Anna joined friends Ella and Cyrus for an outing to the Celebrate Maine Festival. The fair had good food and lots of fun things for kids to do. Anna slept through most of the outing, waking at the end.